
About Winchester

Kidsborough has been a part of the Winchester community since 2019. Today, we serve students from all five elementary schools, with students from Lynch’s community being bussed from Parkhurst to Ambrose for program.

Winchester Rates

2 3 4 5
After School $270.00 per month $372.00 per month $439.00 per month $495.00 per month
Before School $143.00 per month $163.00 per month $189.00 per month $214.00 per month
Before & After School $398.00 per month $520.00 per month $597.00 per month $673.00 per month

Winchester Schools

Ambrose + Lynch

Located at 27 High Street in Winchester, MA, this school features a playground, blacktop area, Gaga ball pit, and an expansive field in our outside space. Ambrose’s Kidsborough offers afternoon program until 6 pm, and may offer morning program (pending sufficient enrollment). Lynch students currently at Parkhurst will be bussed from Parkhurst to Ambrose for afternoon program until 2025.


Located at 161 Mystic Valley Parkway in Winchester, MA, this school features a playground, basketball courts, Gaga ball pit, and a fenced-in field in our outside space. Lincoln’s Kidsborough offers afternoon program until 6 pm, and may offer morning program (pending sufficient enrollment).


Located at 33 Bates Road in Winchester, MA, this school features a playground, blacktop area, Gaga ball pit, and an immense field in our outside space. Muraco’s Kidsborough offers morning program starting at 7 am and afternoon program until 6 pm.


Located at 75 Johnson Road in Winchester, MA, this school features a modern playground, basketball hoop, Gaga ball pit, and a fenced-in field in our outside space. Vinson-Owen’s Kidsborough offers morning program at 7 am and afternoon program until 6 pm.